1. Installation of the striking sheet

1. You cut the nylon rope to a length of 4.80 m. To make sure the rope does not fray, heat the rope ends for a few seconds. Twist the heated ends between your thumb and forefinger and make it fine and sharp. You will see that the work becomes much easier if you pay due attention to this.

2. Place the Taurombody on the tarpaulin. Make sure the sheet with top end is on the table. The top end of the Taurombody is with 16 holes facing upwards. The biggest difficulty in building this instrument is a good start. Make sure you are well concentrated from the start! While building, you will also check on your neighbour. Is he doing well? Does he need some help?

3. What you have no doubt noticed: the 16 holes at the top are divided into 8 pairs of 2 holes each. Pass one rope end through a right-hand hole.

4. After about 10 cm, tie a double knot.

5. To be on the safe side, repeat this briefly. This knot ensures that the rope will definitely not come through the hole when tightening the sheet.

6. You no longer need to worry about this rope end. Simply drop it into the tube. Now take the other end of the rope and put it through the first aluminium tube. In the beginning of the process, you will notice that the rope is quite long to go through the tube and tarpaulin. Over time, it becomes much easier.

7. Now pass this rope end through a hole in the tarpaulin. Take the hole that is approximately below the PVC hole. Lightly pull the rope so that there is nice tension.

8. Go back up with the rope end. Go through the aluminium tube first. This is a very important step that you must not skip later either. If you forget this, you will be forced to start again! You also notice immediately how important it is to have a fine rope end. Normally it is very easy to go through this aluminium tube.

9. Which would be the next step now? Anyone have an idea? A technical lump in this group perhaps?

10. Right we go back to the top of the PVC pipe. But…. We skip 2 holes. We take the left hole and immediately go back out on the right. Left in/right out.

11. Everyone look carefully: left in/right out. We are going to have to apply this several times later.

12. And what would be the next step now? Any ideas? Right, we take another aluminium tube, go with the rope end through this and now also pay very close attention….

13. Yes, we go all the way back through the tarpaulin with the tube. But, we skip one little hole, though. We will also have to remember this for the rest of the route. Skip two holes at the top, one hole each at the bottom.

14. Yes, the next step is now clear: we go through back through the aluminium tube.

15. Gradually we realise that the next step is not so difficult. We think together which is the next step.

16. At the top, we skip two holes. Left in, right out. We always pull the rope nicely in the meantime.

17. Those who want to can now continue on their own. The important thing is to stay very attentive and constantly think about what we have already done. Right now, we have placed 2 aluminium tubes. We will take a break after 4 aluminium tubes. Everyone in the group waits in the same place. If you finish early, take a look at your neighbours to check whether everything is going well there. If necessary, lend a hand here!

18. Meanwhile, we continue with the rest of the group. We take an aluminium tube and go through it with the rope as before. Of course, I now also ask you which is the next step. Who from the group knows what we should do next?

19. Right, we skip back a hole at the bottom.We pass the rope through the sheet, pull for a moment and immediately reverse through the aluminium tube again.

20. Don’t forget to go back through the aluminium tube!

21. Always tighten the rope properly after passing through the aluminium tube!

22. We skip back 2 holes at the top. Enter on the left and exit immediately on the right.

23. And we pull on the rope for a while because it gets nicely stretched!

24. Yes, we take aluminium tube 4 and …. right we skip a hole at the bottom.

25. We don’t forget to go back through the aluminium tube. We pull everything nicely for a while. Meanwhile, we have noticed that the nylon rope has already been seriously shortened. What we also notice is that the rest of the group is waiting for us…. Are we ready for the next part?

26. If you look closely, you will notice that we have now arrived at the starting point. However, the left hole is free. Here we now go through with the rope. Left in – right out. We do have a problem now … The right hole is not possible. What do we do now? Any ideas?

En we trekken nog even aan het touw  zodat  het mooi opgespannen raakt!

27. We just take the next right hole and go out with the rope. So we simply skip the left-hand hole.

Since it is important that everyone here does not make mistakes, I repeat. So,. we used 4 aluminium tubes. We go through the next left hole, skip one left hole and come back out on the right.

28. Now we start the follow-up process: we are in the halfway point. The difficult part is behind us. Now I will explain very briefly what the course of the second part looks like. The process is the same as we did just now.

29. Skip 2 holes at the top, 1 hole at a time at the bottom… Remember to pass the rope through the aluminium tube twice each time.

The logic itself

Opportunity groups are maximally involved in the preparation of materials.

30. Meanwhile, the supply of aluminium tubes is dwindling and the rope is getting shorter and shorter

31. Don’t forget to pull the rope regularly!

32. The end is almost in sight!

33. One last time left in-right out.

34. The last tube was already ready to be included in the whole!

35. The remaining rope goes through the last hole. Now we prepare for the final.

36. If the rope is too short to reach the top, this is not a problem. You already notice when tensioning there is enough rope coming free.

Hereby the (preliminary) final result!

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